Category: Senior Living

luxury senior living - a couple rests knowing they made the right choice

Why You Should Move into a Senior Living Community Before You Need It

July 15, 2024 | By

Consider the story of Mary and John, a vibrant couple in their early 70s. They enjoy an active lifestyle but…

How well are you aging? A woman questions in a mirror

How Well Are You Aging?

July 1, 2024 | By

This question becomes increasingly pertinent as we gracefully navigate the later chapters of our lives. Aging is an inevitable journey…

Transitioning from Homeownership to a Senior Living Community Made Easy - Boxes ready to go

Transitioning from Homeownership to a Senior Living Community

June 22, 2024 | By

For many of us, ‘home’ is synonymous with comfort, safety, and belonging. Years of memories are interwoven into the very…

couple enjoying luxury senior living

Luxury Care Options at HarborChase Senior Living

June 1, 2024 | By

Welcome to a sanctuary where the potential for joy and fulfillment lights up each day. At HarborChase Senior Living, we…

Senior parent not wanting to recognize health concerns

Navigating the Tough Path: When Your Parent Resists Recognizing Health Concerns

April 1, 2024 | By

  Experiencing the change in a parent’s attitude towards their health, especially in the context of dementia, can be as…

Happy senior people gardening together in ways to reinvent after retirement

7 Ways to Reinvent Yourself After Retirement & Embrace New Horizons

November 1, 2023 | By

Retirement marks a significant milestone in one’s life, transitioning from a structured work routine to a phase of newfound freedom…

HarborChase planning summer vacation senior living

Planning Your Summer Vacation in Senior Living

June 15, 2023 | By

Summer is here! If you’re ready to make the most of this beautiful weather, why not plan a vacation? Whether…

Talking to your Loved One About HarborChase Senior Living

How to Use Technology for Health and Wellness

April 15, 2023 | By

Healthy aging is about prioritizing health and wellness, so you’re able to stay active and independent for as long as…

Seniors using the TikTok app to film a video

Are Seniors Too Old to Use TikTok? Absolutely Not!

March 15, 2023 | By

There’s a good chance that you’ve seen your teenage grandchildren using TikTok, whether they’re spending hours watching videos or recording…

Luxury Senior Living

Your Guide to the Luxury Senior Living Lifestyle

March 1, 2023 | By

It’s estimated that baby boomers hold about $3 trillion of net worth, so it’s no surprise that many seniors are…

Older woman with younger woman, wearing masks and holding hands-Why work in senior living

5 Benefits of Working in Senior Living

January 15, 2023 | By

Retirement communities have plenty to offer for a new and exciting career. HarborChase Senior Living shares 5 reasons why it’s such an impactful industry!

Community Spotlight_HarborChase of Long Grove

Managing a Parent’s Reluctance Over Moving to Senior Living

December 8, 2022 | By

Years ago, your parents might have said something along the lines of “Promise you’ll never put me in a nursing…

Community Spotlight_HarborChase of South Oklahoma City

HarborChase of South Oklahoma City Shares Why You Should Choose Senior Living Sooner Rather Than Later

June 8, 2022 | By

When you are trying to determine whether senior living is the right choice for you, many factors can influence your…

Senior friends laugh together outside_HarborChase Senior Living

How Senior Living Can Give You Greater Freedom and Enjoyment

May 22, 2022 | By

For older adults, retirement can offer unique opportunities to enjoy more free time, explore new interests, or dedicate more energy…