Vaccine Consent Form & Facts Sheet

After the devastating toll the COVID-19 pandemic took on the world, we are grateful that vaccinations were quickly and effectively developed to offer help and hope. We are truly blessed to provide the vaccine to our residents at no charge. You have already received an abundance of information from us regarding the vaccines, including consent forms, which need to be signed for the vaccine to be administered. You must take every measure necessary and reasonable to get them returned to us. We need to be proactively prepared in our vaccination clinics, so it is critical that you return the signed consent form.

We know that many have already received the vaccine, but for those who haven’t, please know we need these signatures to make this happen. We are aiming to make the signing of them as convenient as possible and can send them via electronic transmission as well. Please let us know if you have questions regarding the completion and submission of the form.

We sincerely appreciate your cooperation in this matter. We have all persevered through this situation together. Now, we are happy to celebrate that camaraderie and solidarity as we work together to mitigate this pandemic and look toward a brighter future!